
Animal Jam data breach - Hacker leaks database with millions of accounts

The developer of famous online playground Animal Jam has suffered a data breach exposing tens of millions of users' information, especially children.

Animal Jam is an online playground for children developed aside the Utah-settled WildWorks. It is targeted towards children betwixt 7 and 11 age of years and boasts over 300 1000000 lizard-like avatars created by kids.

The virtual playground receives registration from a new user every 1.4 seconds. It has 3.3 one thousand thousand monthly proactive members and concluded 130 million registered players.

Now, Animal Hole has suffered a data breach in which millions of user accounts have been leaked.  A threat actor has already leaked the stolen database connected a hacker forum, stating that they got them from asymptomatic-known hacker ShinyHunters.

The databases contain around 50 million stolen records of the Animal Jam users. The threat actor has shared a partial database, which shows approx. 7 million records of children or their parents. An analysis of the timestamps on these records reveals that the database was stolen and dumped last calendar month.

Here's what the hacker had to state about the partial database wetting:

Animal Jam data breach - Hacker leaks 7M accounts from stolen 46M

WildWorks, on the other reach, has acknowledged the transgress and shared information about the breach. Its Chief executive officer Salvia sclarea Stacey stated that the menace actors compromise Wild Deeds' Slack host to obtain the AWS keys. The company promptly addressed the data breach as soon as information technology occurred. However, they were unaware of the fact that some information was taken.

Promote probe revealed that the 50 million player usernames were stolen, which were anthropomorphous moderated to hide the nestling's full name, and 50 million SHA1 hashed passwords. The scourge actors claim that they have cracked 13 jillio passwords, merely WildWorks didn't confirm whether it is true and stated that the passwords were brine-cured and hashed.

The stolen data includes 7 cardinal netmail addresses of parents of children who registered for Animal Jam and their Information processing addresses. Around 116 of these records restrained the name and billing turn to of the parents who certified in 2010 or beyond.

Or s records besides include the player's birthdate and gender, simply near just contain the birth year. However, citation bill info wasn't included in the database.

Animal Jam data breach - Hacker leaks 7M accounts from stolen 46M
Stork-like Jam database (Image:

Despite that it is a massive data breach, Stacey claims that it is a relatively small subset of the number of Animal Jam exploiter accounts certified since 2010.

It is still advisable that users of Salmon-like Jam must reset their password the next time they logon.

WildWorks is preparing a composition of the incident to share with the FBI Cyber Task Force and notifying all impacted e-mail IDs. Furthermore, they have created a Information Breach Alert connected their site to result drug user queries related to the data breach.

As for ShinyHunters; Animal Jam breach is another accession to their "portfolio." In the last a couple of months, the drudge leaked dozens of databases taken from prominent companies including:

WattPad– 271 million accounts leaked

Dunzo– 11GB worth of data leaked– 7 one thousand thousand accounts leaked

Bhinneka– 1 million+ accounts leaked

Minted– 5 million accounts leaked

ProctorU– 444,267 accounts leaked

Tokopedia– 91 million accounts leaked

Couchsurfing– 17 million accounts leaked

Mashable – 5.22GB worth of database leaked

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