
Bust A Move Game Xbox One

An Xbox One X on top of an original Xbox One
Josh Hendrickson

Xbox One games are enormous. Red Dead Redemption 2 alone is 107 GB. If you accept a data cap, downloading the same game multiple times is wasteful. Instead, transfer your games between consoles using external drives to save information.

Copy Your Games to Save Time and Data

When giving someone a new Xbox 1, we recommend installing games for them first. Whether information technology's a Christmas morning surprise for your kids or a altogether gift for your spouse, their games volition be set up to play immediately. When you play an Xbox game for the first time, the console immediately rips about of the disc to the difficult bulldoze. Your Xbox then downloads everything else it needs to play the game. Incredibly, that boosted content tin lead to games 100 GB or larger such equally Concluding Fantasy 15, Gears of War four, and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.

If y'all have more Xbox One, installing your games on each could mean downloading them multiple times but depending on your internet speeds that may accept a long time. Worse yet, if you have a data cap, you lot risk going over. For case, Comcast enforces a ane TB (1000 GB) data cap, and a downloading a single Xbox One game can use a tenth of that. Thankfully, Microsoft added external hard drive back up for Xbox One. And while you usually would employ this to expand storage, you can also use it to move or copy a game from ane Xbox to some other.

This is also helpful if y'all're upgrading to an Xbox One X from an original Xbox One or Xbox One S.

How To Transfer Every Game at One time (Or But Some)

Transferring your games is a pretty straightforward affair. Showtime, plug in your external bulldoze you programme to employ, and format information technology if prompted.

Warning: The formatting process will erase the data on the bulldoze.

Microsoft requires you utilize a USB 3.0 drive with at least 256 GB of storage. Given the sheer size of games, nosotros recommend getting at to the lowest degree a i TB drive.

From the Xbox Home screen, printing the Xbox push on your controller (the circular button with the Xbox logo that lights upwards). Choose the Settings gear to the far right, followed past "Settings."

Xbox submenu with arrows pointing to settings gear and settings option.

Select "System" and then "Storage."

Xbox settings menus with arrows pointing to system and storage options.

Here, you'll select the hard bulldoze your games currently reside on. If you've never used an external difficult drive before, yous'll select the Internal pick. Nosotros'll choose the "xbox" difficult bulldoze.

Xbox system storage menu with call out on hard drive that contains games.

In the submenu that appears, choose the "Transfer" option.

System storage submenu with call out on transfer option.

Select the private games you want to transfer or cull "Select All" to transfer all games. Cull "Copy Selected" to copy game files to the external drive. You tin use "Move Selected" to motion the game files to the external drive and delete the source copy from their original location, simply you only want to do this if you lot're freeing up space, such as a full internal hard drive.

You lot may detect that the top of the screen indicates games will be transferred to your internal drive, only don't worry about that. The side by side step prompts yous for a destination.

Transfer menu with callout on manage transfer optioins.

Select the bulldoze you to transfer your games to. In this case, nosotros're choosing an empty external hard drive named "External2."

Transfer submenu with box around empty hard drive.

You'll meet a confirmation detailing the number of games to transfer. If the information is correct, select "Copy" or "Move." The option shown is dependent on your before choices. If you used the "Copy" choice, your games would exist on both the destination drive and the source bulldoze. If y'all used "Move" your games will be wiped from the source drive and moved to the destination drive. Double cheque your choices earlier moving on.

transfer confiramation screen with callout around move box

The Xbox One will start copying or moving the game files to the external drive. Y'all won't see a confirmation or progress bar, still. If you printing the Xbox button, yous should run into the offset game transferring.

Xbox one home submenu with callout around Abzu game in transfer.

Depending on how many games you are transferring and the speed of your external storage device, this tin can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. To check if you have any games however transferring, go to "My games & apps."

Xbox one app with box around My games & apps option.

Select "Queue" in the sidebar.  If y'all take whatsoever games left to transfer, they'll be displayed here

Xbox my games & apps menu with box around Queue option.

Depending on the speed of your external storage and your internet connectedness copying your games from i drive to another may be faster than downloading them once again. But more chiefly, you lot'll avoid going over a data cap if you lot have one.


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